Camphill Communities 

"A healthy social life is found only when, in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when, in the whole community, the virtue of each one is living"  Rudolf Steiner

Special needs residents and volunteers Camphill day out

"Life Sharing"

About Us

We are a life sharing community that recognizes the spiritual uniqueness of each human being

A community inspired by Christian ideals, open to people of all spiritual or religious paths. 

Camphill Communities are places which provide a secure home environment where people live together "sharing lives".  Adults with special needs live, work and celebrate together with volunteers, carers and their families. We create space for everybody to unfold their potential with respect and dignity, based on each one's abilities instead of their difficulties. Our particular character and purpose is distinctively formed by our members. We maintain close links with life of the village, seeking to become active in the social and cultural life of the surrounding area. 

While the community is based on the Camphill model and is a member of the Association of Camphill Communities, Camphill Community Mountshannon is part of Ard Aoibhinn Community Initiatives CLG; a registered charity (Registration Charity Number 20047689), which aims to foster community initiatives and promote social inclusion and development in the area. 

The Camphill Community Mountshannon project is funded through the HSE and through voluntary fundraising.  

Our Ethos & Standards

At the core of the community is the recognition of the dignity of people with support needs, and the giving and sharing of all in communal life. 

Camphill is a way of life, where each person, whether a carer or a resident, contributes towards the well-being of the other according to their ability.

Camphill philosophy is that no matter what an individual's disability may appear to be, the spirit - the essential core that makes us all human - always remains whole. Everyone deserves equal respect and opportunities in life so that all may be able to fulfil their potential. The Camphill way of life is interwoven with recognisably Christian elements and themes. Each community is committed to carrying out their work based on anthroposophical guidance developed by Rudolf Steiner that emphasises a holistic view of human development and the Social Pedagogic impulse of Dr. Karl Konig.  In our community we share an expression of Christian values, but you do not have to be a practising Christian to live and work in Camphill Community Mountshannon. Anthroposophy  recognises all spiritual and religious paths. 

Felted nativity figures made in Camphill Community

We share Christian values but you don't have to be a practicing Christian to live and work here

Our History

The first Camphill Community was established in 1940 in Scotland. The founder of Camphill is Dr Karl König (1902-1966) who was inspired by the work and teachings of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Today Camphill numbers over 100 communities in 20 countries. In the Republic of Ireland,16 communities of varying sizes and settings are home to around 200 residents and people in supported living arrangements, plus around 100 day-attendees and trainees. 

Karl Konig 1953 founder of Camphill Community

Karl König, 1953