Camphill Services

Young man having fun cooking in Camphill Mountshannon

Each person, whether a carer or a resident, contributes towards the well-being of the other according to their ability

Residential Services for people with special needs

We offer a home where you can have meaningful relationships and feel part of a group of people that recognises you for who you are, not for your behaviours or your difficulties.

Day Care Services

Camphill Community Mountshannon offers individual day services for people with Special needs who would like to take part in our activities but live somewhere else. Day care arrangements are generally between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Working Life

Our main aim is to ensure that our work and the work of the people we support is meaningful and relevant to the place in which we live.

Young man weaving a hand made rug in Camphill Mountshannon

The work of the residents is meaningful and relevant to the place in which we live